The Quality Assurance System at the University of Warsaw
The UW Office for Quality of Education, established in October 2007, acting under the supervision of the Vice-rector for students affairs, supports and coordinates operation of the quality of education assurance and enhancement system at the UW. Its main goal is to create and to fully implement a comprehensive and efficient QA system.
The structure of the QA system includes: University Team for Quality of Education Assurance (at central level), Faculty Teams for Quality of Education Assurance, Teams for Quality of Education Assurance in other organizational UW units, and the QA Evaluation Unit.
The QA system at the UW is built with the observance of the autonomy and specific character of the University units, on the basis of their positive experience in the quality of education assurance, as well as in the conviction that high quality is strengthened by self-evaluation, dialogue, cooperation, support and popularisation of the best and most effective solutions.
The QA Evaluation Unit conducts researches on the conditions of education at the University as well as recommends actions influencing the enhancement of the quality of education. Once a year its reports to the Senate the research results .
The UW cooperates with the Polish State Accreditation Committee as well as the EUA within several working groups and projects.
More information: Office for Quality of Education