Update on the current situation at the University of Warsaw 18.03.2020
Dear Student,
University Library – Free Scanning
Due to the extraordinary situation (closing of the University of Warsaw Library) it is possible to order scans from scientific materials (articles and books) from the collection of the University of Warsaw Library (BUW) free of charge from March 16 until further notice.
More information: https://www.buw.uw.edu.pl/en/free-scanning-service/
More information: https://www.buw.uw.edu.pl/en/free-scanning-service/
Updates on the situation
Updates on the situation at the University of Warsaw http://en.uw.edu.pl/information-on-preventing-covid-19-spread-among-the-uw-community/
Updates on the situation in Poland https://www.pap.pl/en
Warsaw Public Transport Authority enables you to suspend your long term ticket (tickets valid for 30 or 90 days). In case you are interested in this option you need to send an email to ztm@ztm.waw.pl entitled “zawieszenie biletu”. The email should contain just the card number (11 digits):
If you have the ticket on your Student Card you can find it on the back of the card (under the barcode);
If you have the ticket on Warsaw City Card (Karta Miejska) you can find it in the top right corner on the back of the card.
The ticket will be suspended starting from the day you send the email to ztm@ztm.waw.pl containing all the required details. The ticket can be reactivated at a later time. You will have to visit the Passenger Service Point to do so.
Health care
If you suspect that you might be infected do not visit any medical centre, general practitioner nor pharmacy. In case of severe symptoms, call the emergency number 112 or the nearest Infectious Disease hospital ward:
Wojewódzki Szpital Zakaźny w Warszawie,
ul. Wolska 37, tel.: 22 33 55 261, 22 33 55 265.
Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego MON,
ul. Szaserów 128, tel.: 261 818 396.
Centralny Szpital Kliniczny MSWiA,
ul. Wołoska 137, tel.: 22 508 20 00.
If you are diagnosed withCOVID 19 you will be treated regardless of your health insurance coverage.
In case of questions or problems don’t hesitat to contact us.