Electronic Student Card


Why do I need ELS?
  • works as a University library card
  • allows you to enter labs, computer rooms, etc.
  • entitles you to student discounts in the public transport, trains, theatres, museums etc.*

*always check the regulations of student discounts

How to apply for the ELS?
  1. Upload your photo in the IRK system. Make sure that it is accepted.
    The photo should meet the same requirements as a passport photo:
    • your head must be directly facing the camera with your full face in view
    • background must be clear or plain white
    • there should be no shadows, lines or other marks
    • it has to be in colour
    • it cannot be a bad quality scan
  1. Pay the 22 PLN fee of the issuing of the card.
    You can pay at any bank or post office using the following payment details:

Uniwersytet Warszawski
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
IBAN: PL56 1160 2202 0000 0000 7648 6236
Swift code/ BIC: BIGBPLPW
Title: „opłata za wydanie ELS (name and surname)”

    3.  Generate a confirmation of payment.

If you pay online you can generate a confirmation of payment on the website of your bank/ via your bank app (pdf.)
You can also choose a more traditional way and pay at any bank or post office. Then you should send us a picture of the confirmation of payment (.jpg).

4. Sign the application form for the Electronic Student Card, downloaded from Common Section in USOSweb.

Common Section –> Photo for ID Card –> Print application for student identity card:

5. Provide the International Relations Office (IRO UW) with your confirmation of payment and signed application (point 3 &4).
Send it to: iro.incoming@adm.uw.edu.pl

6. Once you the IRO informs you that the card is ready, make an appointment to collect it.